A beacon of hope – guest blog by Kyle Jones

A beacon of hope – guest blog by Kyle Jones

Four ways beacons will transform supply chain management by 2020

Bluetooth Low Energy technology, commonly called Beacons or BLE, is poised to change how every order is filled and warehouse managed.

Beacons have dropped in price from around $40 to less than a dollar each. That change, along with the shrinking costs of data analytics, move this technology from luxury item to standard practice within five years.

Here are four ways that beacons will change how goods are stored, transported and delivered.

Custom maps

Beacons can guide workers through a warehouse in the most efficient manner. For those who can’t afford Amazon-style Kiva robots, beacons can chart the way between objects within a large warehouse. Beacons can broadcast signals district over multiple distances from a few centimeters to over 70 meters. The tiered signals provide an indoor equivalent to GPS.

Location-based tasking

Once a worker arrives at a location, a beacon can prompt him with specific instructions. This reduces errors by providing “just in time information.” Task can be quickly updated by a warehouse or distribution manager, allowing workers to get updates as they move through a warehouse.


The single most dangerous aspect of supply chain management is the human-machine interface. Beacons can help make workers safer by using the worker as a beacon. When a person is doing potentially hazardous tasks, such as backing up a forklift near other workers, the

Predictive equipment staging

Beacons can track movement over time. By looking at historic data of what equipment was needed and when, a warehouse manager can predict and stage equipment to improve efficiency.


Beacons have clear applications for improving supply chain management in addition to the commonly discussed retail applications.

Kyle Jones is a writer, investor, and futurist focused on technology and innovation.  He lives in Houston, Texas.